work at norrsken


One might think that we are a large and complex organization. But we’re actually quite a small team. We make every hour count, and we optimize for impact.

Every single one of us plays an important role in delivering on the Norrsken mission: We help entrepreneurs solve the world's greatest challenges.


We all have 80,000 hours to spend on our careers. That’s 40 hours per week, 50 weeks per year, for 40 years. That’s an immense amount of time.

This means that your career shouldn't just be a major driver of happiness and fulfilment — it’s probably also your biggest opportunity to positively impact the world around you. So how can you best spend these hours?

We believe that one of the most impactful choices we can make in our lives is dedicating part of our careers to solving some of the most pressing challenges of our time.

Impact is not something that you receive, impact is something you create. Norrsken enables you to use your drive and your dedication to make a difference. 

We wish we were clever enough to have made this stuff up, but we didn’t. Do you want to learn more about the 80’000 hour theory?  Click here!


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Stockholm Employees
Kigali Employees
Barcelona Employees
Accelerator Employees

The norrsken team

Erik Granholm
Digital Marketing Manager
Funda Sezgi
Emma Stibi
Members Associate, Stockholm
Michelle Umurungi
Deputy Managing Director, Kigali
Viviane Widman
Head of People and Culture
Elie Habimana
Managing Director, Kigali
Daniel Goldberg
Aieli Vaziri
Front Desk Associate, Stockholm
Marc Jordana
CEO, Norrsken Barcelona
Anton Andersin
Business controller
Arnold Kwizera
Ecosystem Manager, Kigali
Sandra Katarama
Partnerships & Projects Lead, Kigali
Emma Sahlin
Expansion & Strategic Initiatives Associate
Irene Ndizeye
Operations Lead, Kigali
Vera Markovic
Strategic Initiatives and BI Associate
Histeven Peruggi
House Manager, Barcelona
Rocío Alcocer
COO, Barcelona
Cornelia Bazley
Content Designer
Joan Jofra
Impact Week Project Lead
Nina Wenström
Art Director
Júlia Devin
Growth & Partnerships Manager, Barcelona
Anna Söderstedt
House Operations Manager, Stockholm
Thomas van Putten
Head of Partnerships and Business Development
Cristian Samuelsson
Head of Tech
Isimbi Fatina
Events Lead, Kigali
Che Rupari
Community Manager, Kigali
Akanksha Sadhu
Front Desk Associate, Stockholm
Rita Tifang
Front Desk Associate, Stockholm
Viktoria Hensler
Ecosystem Manager, Stockholm
Eva Umwari
Finance Manager, Kigali
Sara Kappelmark
Sofia Lindelöw
Nordic Managing Director
Alessandra Bolla
Community Lead, Barcelona
Amanda Kai
Communications Manager, Barcelona
Niklas Adalberth
Founder & chairman
Kajsa Alenmyr
Head of Global Strategic Initiatives
Manuela Mejía
House Associate, Barcelona
Sandra Ekdahl
Talent Lead
Paulina Drewniak
Financial Lead, Barcelona
Pelle Tamleht
Marketing & Partnership Manager


Our values are co-created and influenced by the entire Norrsken team. For us, values are not just shiny words on a wall, they give us an identity and provide clarity on what behaviors we encourage.

These values guide us to make the right decisions - decisions that are in line with who we are and what we stand for. They help us build trust, not only within the team but across the entire Norrsken ecosystem. We use them to enable a climate where innovation and creativity thrive under constraint.

who we are

A job at Norrsken is more like working at a startup than at a non-profit. It’s a fast-paced and exciting place to work. Tasks and challenges may be demanding, responsibilities may change over time, but we guarantee that in return we will fast-forward your personal and professional development.

Ten years from now, you will be proud of the projects and ideas you have developed and acted on together with us, leaving a positive footprint and legacy behind. We are a diverse team from varied backgrounds and experiences, creating an environment where difference of opinion and ideas are deeply rooted in our DNA.

Being a part of Norrsken will make you feel like you are part of something bigger than yourself, and that you are in the driver seat for positive change.

Stockholm house

Birger Jarlsgatan 57C
113 56, Stockholm, Sweden

Kigali house

1 KN 78 St
Kigali, Rwanda

Barcelona house

Passeig Del Mare Nostrum 15
08039, Barcelona, Spain